Medical Acupuncture, Womb Awakening, Lunar Teachings, Yoga
(RN, BTEC Level 5, MICHT, BETC, Dip BWY, Dip BSY, Dip Birthlight, REP).
07886 980687
01843 868851
With over 20 years of extensive training and experience Natasha Calia provides the following treatments at Manor Barn on a fortnightly basis.
Abdominal sacral, aromatherapy, deep tissue, developmental baby massage, facial massage, Indian head, hot/cold stone, manual lymphatic drainage, medical massage, postnatal, pregnancy, Swedish and Thai massage.
Medical Acupuncture
Womb Healing
Treatments COST: £42/52/62/72 ~ 45/60/75/90 mins.
For full descriptions of these treatments please visit
About Natasha
Natasha is a registered nurse and has gained BTEC level 5, VTCT, ITEC and FHT massage diplomas in abdominal sacral massage, aromatherapy, deep tissue, developmental baby massage, facial massage, Indian head, hot/cold stone, manual lymphatic drainage, pregnancy massage, Swedish massage and Thai massage. She has also studied clinical and medical massage, the myofascial body, postural assessment, trigger point therapy and kinesiology.
Natasha is a qualified medical acupuncturist which is well regarded for effective pain relief. Medical acupuncture can be a standalone treatment or incorporated within massage treatments.
Natasha is also qualified to work with the emotional and energetic body. She works with Reike, Seiki and Shamanic Womb Healing. Natasha is a Womb Priestess and has studied womb shamanism and lunar living for her own health and wellbeing. She facilitates workshops and courses in these modalities.
As well as body work qualifications, Natasha is a fully qualified British Wheel of Yoga teacher and has undertaken further training in prenatal, pregnancy, postnatal and baby and toddler yoga with Birthlight and the British School of Yoga. Natasha is co facilitating a 10 day yoga and photography holiday in Bali in July 2019.
Natasha has always been fascinated with the way that we move, feel, and experience our lives through our bodies and how our thoughts and emotions affect our wellbeing. Working holistically, she often incorporates breathing, healing, and relaxation techniques drawing upon and combining skills from different massage traditions to enhance the treatment.
Natasha provides treatments on Monday to Saturdays in her bespoke built clinic in Broadstairs.
At Manor barn she provides a satellite clinic fortnightly as well as womb awakening workshops, introductions to lunar living teachings and the 13 moon embodiment course.
Natasha is registered with the following professional bodies.
Membership of Professional Bodies
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Federation of Holistic Therapists
The International Council of Holistic Therapists
The British Wheel of Yoga
The British School of Yoga
The Register of Exercise Professionals.