Canterbury Centre for Peace and Personal Development
Johanna Murray

Johanna Murray



Mobile: 07794943534
Please text or leave message and I will contact you


Johanna started studying Yoga over 30 years ago. She studied different pathways: Hatha Yoga, Zen Yoga, Iyengar and Shivananda Yoga and also Chi-Kung.

About Johanna

Besides studying in the Netherlands she has traveled to France, Africa and Asia to study different disciplines.She has been teaching yoga over 30 years and set up a combined Dutch-French Yoga teacher training ‘Plenitude’ and taught there for several years. After moving to the UK she set up her own healing and teaching center; the Manor Barn which opened in the year 2000. The Manor Barn offers space to a diversity of teachers and therapists aiming at creating greater well-being for people and the planet.

There will be 6 weeks in this term

Termtime yoga
NEW TERM STARTS MONDAY 21st February 2022

Monday morning 9.30-11.00 am Live at the Manor Barn
7 session
Each session £15
If all paid before the first session 10% reduction
Monday evening 7.30-9.00pm
please contact 07794943534

Friday morning 9-10 Online Themed sessions
6 sessions
Each session £10
If all paid before first session 10% reduction £54

You are very welcome to do several sessions in the week
Please come back to me if you have any questions.

Please pay this week for the next block to qualify for reduction of 10%
Phone: 01227 470256

Pay as you go:  £15/session £10 online


Johanna qualified also in different therapies; Shiatsu, Cranial Sacral therapy. Cyma therapy (Sound healing) Reiki, energy alignment and nutrition.

Through her experience as teacher and healer she is able to adapt postures to the needs of her clients focussing on creating a greater well-being.

Cost therapy:  £70/hour